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Gus and Me de Keith Richards

Descripción - Críticas Richards has written an opus on a lifetime of brutal honesty, an all-encompassing account of what it's been like to be one of the coolest rock stars in the world. (THE ATLANTIC)Electrifying... the intimate and moving story of one man's long strange trip over the decades, told in dead-on, visceral prose without any of the pretense, caution or self-consciousness that usually attend great artists sitting for their self-portraits. (NEW YORK TIMES)an absolute blast... mesmerizing. It is like being button-holed by a piratical ancient mariner with amazing tales to tell. But Life offers much more than vicarious thrills. It captures the true spirit of rock and roll... It also movingly captures Richards's extraordinary love of music...and perhaps more surprisingly, his manifest decency as a human being...how good is it that this hugely endearing rock and roll legend...is able to describe his extraordinary life with such honesty and panache. (Charles Spencer THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH)a fascinating book; by turns appalling, rambling, hilarious and even surprisingly touching... Life is an important addition to rock literature, giving fresh insights into the working dynamic between Richards and Jagger... Life crackles with the authentic, likeable voice of a man who is not what you think (DAILY MAIL)the very existence of this book is a marker against the ravages of time. It suggests Richards's memory is fresh in a way that his face isn't...funnier than Spinal Tap's reminiscences of their native Squatney... And he can be tender, too... There's a junkie-artist frankness throughout, coupled with a refusal to omit things: how he plays the guitar, how post-gig coupling works, and his recipe for bangers and mash (don't try it at home). (Tom Payne THE DAILY TELEGRAPH)one of the most honest, amusing, no-holds-barred rock biographies I have ever read... informative and often amusing with no excuses or false contrition... there is something for everyone here, even a particularly good recipe for bangers and mash. (Barry Miles NEW STATESMAN)Entertaining...a slurry romp through the life of a man who knew every pleasure, denied himself nothing, and never paid the price. (David Remnick THE NEW YORKER)He is not just a credit to Sidcup Art School; he is an inspiration to every London child who peeps a recorder or strums a guitar. I cannot think of another member of the British artistic, cultural or media world who has done so much or who has so widely penetrated the global consciousness. David Attenborough? Stephen Fry? He knocks them into a cocked hat... Arise Sir Keef, I say, and if there were any damn merit in it, he would have the Order of Merit, too. (Boris Johnson) Reseña del editor Keith's grandfather, Theodore Augustus Dupree lived near Seven Sisters Road, in a house filled with instruments and cakes. A nostalgic look back at happy childhood days as the Rolling Stone star remembers his grandfather - a former big band player who encouraged his grandson to take up the guitar, in this charming picture book whimsically illustrated by Keith Richards' daughter.Includes an exclusive CD with a reading of the story by a professional actor, James Langton, and a spoken introduction and additional guitar music from Keith. Comentario del autor Keith Richards is a musician, singer, songwriter, and founding member of the rock band the Rolling Stones. Widely considered to be one of the best guitarists in the world, he has a collection of over 350 guitars. His memoir, Life, was published to unanimous critical acclaim and has sold over 2 million copies worldwide. Mr. Richards has five children and five grandchildren. Theodora Dupree Richards, named after her great-grandfather Theodore Augustus Dupree, is an artist and a daughter of Keith Richards and Patti Hansen. She has taken art classes at various schools in New York City, including the New York Academy of Art and the School of Visual Arts. In order to research the images for this project, she traveled to the Richards family home in Dartford, England, and pored over family and historical photographs of Richards's childhood era. This is her first book. Nota de la solapa Keith's grandfather, Theodore Augustus Dupree lived near Seven Sisters Road, in a house filled with instruments and cakes. A nostalgic look back at happy childhood days as the Rolling Stone star remembers his grandfather - a former big band player who encouraged his grandson to take up the guitar, in this charming picture book whimsically illustrated by Keith Richards' daughter.Includes an exclusive CD with a reading of the story by a professional actor, James Langton, and a spoken introduction and additional guitar music from Keith. Contraportada Keith's grandfather, Theodore Augustus Dupree lived near Seven Sisters Road, in a house filled with instruments and cakes. A nostalgic look back at happy childhood days as the Rolling Stone star remembers his grandfather - a former big band player who encouraged his grandson to take up the guitar, in this charming picture book whimsically illustrated by Keith Richards' daughter.Includes an exclusive CD with a reading of the story by a professional actor, James Langton, and a spoken introduction and additional guitar music from Keith. Biografía del autor Born in Dartford in Kent in December 1943, Keith Richards continues to compose, play songs and tour with the Rolling Stones.Theodora Richards is a model and artist and the daughter of Keith Richards. James Langton trained as an actor at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama. He has performed many voiceovers and narrated numerous audiobooks. He is also a professional musician. He was born in England but now lives in New York City.

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Detalles del Libro

  • Name: Gus and Me
  • Autor: Keith Richards
  • Categoria: Libros,Arte, cine y fotografía,Música
  • Tamaño del archivo: 10 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Idioma: Español
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

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